SEEING the world through the proverbial rose-tinted spectacles is fairly typical when you're on holiday, and for newly-settled expats once they get the practical hurdles of a move abroad out of the way. Of course,...
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SEEING the world through the proverbial rose-tinted spectacles is fairly typical when you're on holiday, and for newly-settled expats once they get the practical hurdles of a move abroad out of the way. Of course,...
EACH region in Spain has its own day of the year where it celebrates itself, rather like a birthday but without the age increase involved. Sometimes, a 'regional day' just involves a public holiday, a day off...
'QUEEN Mother' Sofía has been at it again: Clearing up after civilians.
A 'LOST' shark was caught on camera off a Benidorm beach and marine vets from Valencia's Oceanogràfic were called out to rescue her.
WHALES have made themselves at home off the coast of Catalunya – a total of 222 have been spotted this spring alone, nearly double the number seen in the sea-mammal 'feeding zones' identified by...
FIVE rorqual whales spotted off the Costa Garraf shows these giant mammals have started their migration early this year.
AFTER suffering early-morning temperatures close to freezing in the first week or so of this month, Costa Blanca weather has gone completely to the opposite extreme: The mercury reached a peak yesterday (Friday) in the...
YOU'VE read about Spain's record rainfall, wind speed, wave height, coldest and hottest temperatures (if you haven't, check out the fascinating set of numbers here – and keep a note of them as conversation...
BOTANISTS at Alicante University have identified two as-yet unknown carnivorous plants growing wild in different mountain ranges in Spain.
The Valencian Community - typically hot, sunny and dry at this time of year - has seen torrential rain over the past few hours, with a total of 105.2 litres per square metre falling in the popular holiday spot of Javea...
ANOTHER Costa Blanca beach has been shut to bathers after a Portuguese Man O'War sighting – this time that of El Campello.
AT LEAST one beach on the Costa Blanca has been shut after a Portuguese Man O'War was found on the shores.