PROPERTY prices, housing quality, healthcare and education, living costs and the job market are among the factors that determine where the happiest locations in Spain are, according to research by a leading national...
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PROPERTY prices, housing quality, healthcare and education, living costs and the job market are among the factors that determine where the happiest locations in Spain are, according to research by a leading national...
AROUND 110,000 Ukrainian refugees have arrived in Spain since the conflict broke out, and 47,000 have so far been granted asylum, national president Pedro Sánchez reveals.
TWO years on from the Covid-19 pandemic entering Spain and with its first peacetime lockdown in centuries on the horizon, survival rate among those who catch the virus is now 'above 90%', according to medics.
A DOUBLE transplant of a heart and liver in the same operation has been carried out successfully in Spain, saving the life of a woman who was terminally ill, according to the team at Madrid's Gregorio Marañón...
THREE cities in Spain have made it into the latest list of the best for home-workers after the 80 most popular choices were revealed.
A FEMALE soldier embracing an Afghan woman who had just arrived on an evacuee plane in Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid) has gone viral and shown the 'human' side of the Armed Forces.
CAPTAINS of Afghanistan's national wheelchair basketball women's and men's teams have landed at the military airport of Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid region) to start a new life.
MADRID and Barcelona jointly 'lost' 60,000 inhabitants in 2020, whilst the provinces of Valencia and Sevilla saw a significant rise as city-dwellers rethought their life plans during the long months of...
A TWO-MONTH-OLD baby girl has made international headlines after undergoing a pioneering life-saving operation.
A 'QUALITY of life' survey among residents in Spain's biggest cities shows attitudes have changed since the start of the pandemic, according to national consumer organisation OCU, which conducted the...
A MEDICAL research foundation based in Galicia has set itself the ambitious goal of creating a cure for Parkinson's Disease at 10% of the cost of similar therapies under development in the USA and about a third of...
A 'HOME-MADE' Covid vaccine which works along the same lines as the Pfizer and Moderna inoculations is a step closer to completion and should be ready for use by next year.